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what is this life?


What is this life?

Seriously. How did I get here?

I am still shocked on the regular with this beautiful life I find myself in.

From a painfully shy kid to an angsty teenager to an alcoholic twenty something to a deeply insecure (and broke) thirty something.

And now, in my forties, to be healthy and whole, comfortable in my own skin, abundant, adorned, creating beauty, surrounded by community, loved.

It takes my breath away.

My journals would reveal it was some sort of magical concoction of sobriety, shadow work, intention, divine intervention, therapy, crystals, writing, cats, visualization, yoga, cyclical living, self-love, books, teachers, mentors, community, and probably a bunch of other things that slip my mind in this moment.

But the truth is, it defies explanation.

I am a miracle.

And you are too.

And if you don’t feel like one yet, just keep going. Keep tuning in. Keep showing up. Keep following those cosmic bread crumbs.

I’m rooting for you.

Sitting in such deep gratitude.

📸: @annalillianphotography

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